Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Thankful For
    I am very thankful for a lot of things. One thing I am very thankful for is my family. I am thankful that they love me and they are are caring. Also that they have bought me clothes and that they have allowed me to play on my traveling softball team. My team name is the Thunderstix. Another thing I am very thankful for is that I can read my bible where ever I want in the United States. I am very thankful that my church loves me and will help me with any problem that comes along. Also I know that they will pray for me when I need some help. I am also thankful for my friends. That they will be right beside me through rough times and when I need someone to lean on. Also I am thankful for my house. That I have a place to go when it is storming and need somewhere to sleep. I am thankful for my life because God could take it away anytime he wanted to. I am so thankful for so many things but these are some of the top things I am thankful for.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Spreadsheet Test
   When I was working on my spreadsheet test I thought of a lot of things that I could have done. One of the things that i could have done differently was I could have been more organized. Also when I was working on my video I should have went to a quieter place instead of just being out in the hallway where people were walking and talking. Also I could have looked at the rubric more instead of just glancing at it here and there.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

    One thing I liked about making all these sheets and charts is that you could copy and paste things and it didn’t take that long of a time to do.  Another thing I liked about the assignment is that we had a lot of time to work on this assignment. One thing I learned was how to make a chart and how to add things up and make an average. One thing I did not enjoy was that you had to make 3 charts and 1 spreadsheet for each assignment that we did. Also I did not like that every time you made a chart you had to make more information and move things around.